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Every Thursday from 2p.m to 4p.m



20 euros per class if you pay the whole month.


​30 euros if you pay one class


At Mahdollisuuksien Tilaa,
located in Selininkatu, 5 (Tahmela/Pispala) Tampere

Dances of Integrity

Weekly Healing Dance Courses in Tampere

Why Dances of Integrity?


In a globalized world, which goes faster and faster and where technology is omnipresent, it is easy to feel more and more disintegrated and, therefore, to lose meaning. The healing dance is an ideal means to recover the integral sense of our being.


Our being is made up of very different levels or… let’s say “energy states”, and all of them make us integral beings. We could say that these levels make up different bodies. Bodies in which we live, although we are not fully aware of it. In this course, we will take a journey through our different bodies, using healing dance. Thus, we will work on the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the social body, the spiritual body, the divine body ... to become aware of our integral being. Hence, this course is entitled Dances of Integrity.



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